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Thank you for visiting Curio, and we hope that you enjoyed your trip to Kanazawa! Please allow me to respond to your review of our cafe. Curio is not primarily a vegetarian restaurant, nor have we ever advertised ourselves as such. In fact I estimate that roughly one in every 500 of the people visiting our cafe have a dietary restriction that would require them to seek out such a place. Nontheless we certainly empathize with the difficulties faced by our Vegetarian/Vegan/gluten and lactose intolerant friends traveling in japan. For this reason we have included the option to make the majority of our menu vegetarian/vegan friendly. The big keyword here is OPTION. If you go to the description of our cafe at top of this page, it clearly says “Serves meat, vegan OPTIONS available”.....For example, All of our coffee drinks are also offered with the OPTION of soy milk over dairy. All of our food is made in house, and the Quinoa, Hummus, Chili, salad, granola and breads are prepared 100%vegan, but with dairy products served either on the side or or sprinkled on top, unless of course you specify the vegan OPTION. Had you specified when you ordered with your server that you needed the meal to be prepared vegan, then we would have gladly used soy milk in the soup rather than dairy and left the feta cheese off of your salad. I will never quite understand why some people refuse to ask a restaurant to remedy something in a meal (which we would quite happily do), and instead choose to suffer through the experience in silence, and then leave a terrible review for the restaurant. It’s a lose/lose for everyone involved. We are truly sorry to hear that the miscommunication caused you to have a less than perfect experience at our cafe, and we sincerely hope that you enjoy the rest of your travels in Japan

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