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Hello milk, It´s so sad that success so easily attracts people like you, who needs to criticize everything else around the main attraction, what we really care about the most, the food. One of our top selling products are our Original Pita, it costs SEK80, a price that is not in any way exceptional for the Stockholm food scene . A dish that satisfies most of our guests for lunch! You write "over 100 kr for street food", the problem is that we serve "street food" in a permanent establishment, paying rent, making your dishes, serving at the table, paying nine full time staff etc. The food we are serving in our restaurant, ("this type of meal"), is a daily prepared falafel made from organic chickpeas, fresh vegetables, in-house made sauces and salads, hand made bread (though not in-house, we are very open with that). There is not one out of maybe seven or eight sauces that is not made in-house. Please do not lie in your reviews! We love our "hipster-like clientele" along with all our guests! We accept payments with credit cards, Swish, pre-paid cash cards or even cash under certain circumstances when its manageable. So, thank you for your review, but please take your grudge elsewhere and try to do something positive to the world, and let those who are already trying be. /J

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