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Good afternoon, J. I've written 150 reviews on HappyCow, and nobody has ever had the audacity to call me a liar. As I'm willing to retract any wrong statements, I headed for your establishment yesterday in order to find out, in face to face conversation, if that was the case. I spoke to staff who conceded that the canned mango pickle sauce (clearly out there, it's not like you're trying to hide it) is used, and so it wouldn't be accurate to regard the final product on the table as in-house. Whether that would be the case in other restaurants is beside the point. The same member of staff also acknowledged that she will no longer take cash, no matter what. So here, once again, you've either miscommunicated with your staff or are spinning us a yarn. Half of the reviews here refer to the price being somewhat high, are we all so deluded? And if you look at your inbox, we're not talking about some childish hater stuff here, I contacted you already six years ago and pointed out that I didn't find your dishes to be filling enough. And I did so from an e-mail account using my real name and last name, because, to me, that just makes for constructive criticism.

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