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Madre mia madre mia. You and your boyfriend are a couple of bullies who do not understand what a no means and what running a small bussiness means. Im so tired of both of you writting again and again bad reviews about my restaurant just because i didnt let yoi drink your own bottlesnof proseco since i dont let that happend. Get a restauran, pay all the things this restaurant needs to be open and then let me know how nice is having people try to bring their own drinks (which by the way is something quite cheap to do). And to finish with that ( its been a month) as i told u i do not sell meat and i dont expect peoplw to bring meat to my restaurant. By the way i ask all the people who answer the phone to pick up reservations and nobody told u that u can bring Proseco to my restaurant. And the fact that you think becaise you spend 150 euros for 9 people give you some sort of privilege to do whatever you want..... says a lot about u.

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