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Francisco Guerreiro

Cheap do you mean poor? I suggest you to check a documentary that I produced called Universal Basic Income: a path to freedom. It's free. (episode 3, about poverty). Thankfully financial resources are not a problem but I'm amazed that you analysis relied on our supposed income. Not very vegan I may say. Also I seems you don't know your own country since we've been to a lot of other places and were never charged by tap water (your high quality product 😅). So I can understand it is also common that there is no toilet paper in the wc in Italy? No. Just in your establishment. Stating that I should go to my country shows your're a xenophobic person. I'm Portuguese but also an European citizen. Me and my family have been very welcomed in Italy by several hotels, restaurants and italian citizens. Let me say you and your business are the less positive experience. But again I'm not judging Italy by your small business. Wishing you all the best specially how to anger manage your posts in social media. 😉

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