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Hello, aforementioned "unreliable navigator" here 👋🏻. As expected, gnomes2000 provided a colorfully descriptive if not slightly exaggerated review once again, and I feel obligated to set the record straight on a few key issues: #1. The onion ring shade is completely unwarranted. We actually ordered the fried pickles which were underwhelming to say the least (I prefer when they are crispy coins and these were more like doughy hunks...sauce provided was good tho) #2. As for my navigation, we missed one (1) measly turn that ultimately added a delightful 10mins to our beautiful stroll through the cambridge port area. #3. Regarding the weather conditions, the temperature was above 45*F and had my companion notified me of their freezing bones, I would have gladly swapped them my heavier jacket. # In closing, this was my 2nd visit to the delightful Veggie Galaxy, and it certainly won't be my last! On my first visit, I was lucky enough to try the shooting star special jackfruit chimichanga which was delicious. On the excursion graceously described above, I was fortunate enough to try the cheddar broccoli soup which was packed with great flavors and helped to cure my lingering head cold. thank you ♥️

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