Community: Members: Profile

AnimalConcepts's profile

AnimalConcepts picture


03725 Teulada, Spain, Alicante, Spain


Sabrina Brando is the director of AnimalConcepts and is pursuing a PhD at the University of Stirling in Scotland on the topic of “24/7 across lifespan: zoo animal and human wellbeing”. Globally known as an animal welfare scientist, she prefers to say, ‘I am in the business of animal happiness, PS: the human animal too!’. Sabrina is a Chief Storyteller. She loves storytelling and writing - particularly about animals, the human-animal connection, and the natural world. If you have a story you want to share about the animal(s) you care(d) for, a special friendship you have with your favourite animal, a great action for animals or for the planet you were involved in, or anything else that makes your heart sing concerning animals and nature, Sabrina would love to hear from you!

Active 11 mos ago

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