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Dr. Couscous's profile

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Dr. Couscous

Smithville, Ohio


I'm a vegan because I don't want living creatures facing suffering, torture, and death for my pleasure. I'm a vegan because I don't want to ineffectively shrink our food supply and allow more human starvation. I'm a vegan because I don't want rain forests rapidly destroyed for my appetite. I'm a vegan because I want to reduce the massive amounts of pollution we pour into our water and our air. I'm a vegan because I want to preserve our precious top soil. I'm a vegan because it greatly increases my chances against obesity, heart disease, strokes, colon cancer, e-coli, salmonella, and many other diseases. I'm a vegan because I don't want whales, sharks, dolphins, sea horses, and sea turtles to die as the unwanted by-catch of the grotesquely large commerical fishing nets. I'm a vegan because I think ripping a newborn baby from the side of its loving mother who has just brought it into this world and sending the baby off to become veal, despite the wailing of pain and protest, so that we can drink the breast-milk intended for that infant is about as inhumane as we can act. I'm a vegan because I understand that although dollar burgers appear cheap, diabetic medication and triple-bipass surgeries are not. I'm a vegan because I find eating herbivores that are intentionally fed feces, blood from their own species, flesh from other species, and rendered cats and dogs both unsafe and repulsive. I'm a vegan because I find it indefensible for the wealthy to deport meat and animal feed from their country to America while others in their country starve. I'm a vegan because I want my voice to speak for compassion every time I pick up my fork.

Active 5 yrs ago

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