PureVeganStarSevadar's profile

EmaiL me PureVeganStar@gmail.com Find/Follow me on X=Twitter & instagram @PureVeganStar and/or PureVeganStarBabaBabyBear add-friend/befriend. Message: go Vegan without domestic-animals, eschewing/avoiding ALL toxins/alcohol/drugs/smoking, & help me make such-Like pure Vegan Eco-villages, thanks ! Connect me w/such-Like CA refuge Sanctuaries. SPELL your emaiL to my VoiceMaiL24/7 sing/speak up to 3-minute messages phone 831-425-3334 [NOT TEXT] infinite Star~Light Offering Visionary Ecovillages = isLove. Please EmaiL me messages Letting me know who U R, thanks, & ask4my Original inspirational POETRY! Star * Sevadar, p.o.box 1086, BEN LOMOND, CA 95005-1086 USA. {Santa Cruz county CA} read ALL my Original * Poems, & 12+ good * reference recommendations, & then of course reply/respond & Let me know how U wish 2 teamwork 2 make the dream work! Let's travel in your camper van.
Active 1 wk ago
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