Community: Members: Profile

Starfish's profile

Starfish picture




A vegetarian for 26 years for ethical reasons first, then environmental and preventive health reasons. I've been a vegan for the past 7 years, although from the start I gave up milk and switched to soymilk. Once I learned about the cruelty that went on in the factory-farms, it was a real awakening, and there was no turning back. Learning more about dairy cows helped to strengthen my reason for going vegan. I just believe that animals deserve to live and let live, and just be, without exploitation by humans. After all, we don't NEED them to survive. All of us here are living proof of that. I love to learn and health and nutrition as well, as the vegan diet is the healthiest diet there is, and of course, the more raw foods you can incorporate the better! (I love my soups!)

Active 10 yrs ago

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