Tiggy's profile
If I make a comment on your review it is not intended to shame you. It is made to highlight a concern, sometimes directed at the business and sometimes directed at cultural attitudes in general. We sometimes forget that the reason we became vegan in the first place was not just to eat delicious food. Remember that veganism is not about you: it’s about the animals. In relation to veganism, phrases like “Everybody makes their own choice” and “You do you” imply, firstly, that it’s all about you, and secondly, that any choice is as ethically valid as another. Not the case. I thought the goal of the vegan movement was liberation and stopping animal slaughter and abuse, not just getting my local murder kitchen to add a vegan option to its menu. I’m impressed by vegan restaurants that are vegan-owned, not staff who know what vegan means and can point out the options on the menu. Don’t complain about vegan restaurants closing if you were spending your money at carnist businesses instead.
Active 40 min ago
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