Baked Tofu Nuggets

    2 rating(s)
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    Avatar of veganceleste


    Preheat oven at 375 degrees F.
    Drain tofu from package, and rinse with water. Let dry slightly.
    Cut tofu in half then into approx. 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch cubes.
    Put shake and bake seasoning a bag or bowl. Drop tofu cubes in one at a time to coat the cubes.
    Place tofu cubes on a baking sheet or pizza pan. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes.
    When time's up, remove baking sheet from the oven and place tofu cubes on serving plate. Serve with sauce of your choice.


    1 14-ounce or so block firm tofu (regular, organic, or non-GMO)
    Shake and bake seasoning
    Sauce of choice: BBQ sauce, sweet Thai chili sauce, or ketchup

    Serving Size


    Prep Time

    20 mins

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      Points +372

      Posted on 30 May 2014

      I do a version of this, but add nutritional yeast and garlic powder to regular breadcrumbs and then roast it for 20-30 minutes. It is so good, I've eaten an entire block of tofu that way!


      Points +14

      Mostly Veg
      Posted on 07 Apr 2021

      Where do you buy the shake and bake seasoning? I live in the UK


      Points +203

      Posted on 07 Apr 2021

      so this recipe doesn't require the tofu to be pressed?


      Points +12

      Mostly Veg
      Posted on 08 Apr 2021

      I don't have Shake n bake here either in Australia( I think?) I have done similar by coating in rice flour and you can season that too

      Baked Tofu Nuggets

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