Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

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    Prepare flax seed and water and let sit for 15 minutes to gel.
    Mix margarine, sugar, date silan, and the flax seed gel.
    Add dry goods: oats, flour, cinnamon, and baking soda.
    Add all the optional goodies - dried fruit and chocolate.
    this recipe is great for cookie bars in a low tray - or spoon dropped cookies on cookie sheets
    Bake at 18 C ( 365F) for 35 minutes for bars, ‎or about 14-17 minutes for individual cookies.
    NOTE: This does depend on the oven - the cookies do not need to brown much – but should be a little dry to the ‎touch
    Let cool on a rack and enjoy!


    ‎1 1/2 pkg margarine (300 g)‎
    ‎3 cups sugar (brown and white – I like 2:1)‎

    Prepare first:‎
    3 tablespoons of ground flax seed with 9 ‎tablespoons of cold water left to stand and gel for 15 minutes
    ‎3 Tablespoons of date silan (sometimes referred to as date honey but not made by bees - just mushy dates)
    ‎3 generous teaspoons cinnamon‎
    ‎3 cups flour (Recommended white but could use whole wheat for half the amount – ‎makes cookies heavier)‎

    Approx 4 cups oatmeal (if cut, use 4 1/2, if whole use 3 1/2)‎
    3/4 teaspoon baking soda‎
    Add to taste: about 300-400 grams of‎ Raisins

    Cut up mishmash/papaya/etc
    Apple or pear bits
    Any other dried fruit like plum, cherries, papaya, pineapple, or kiwi.
    ‎300 g non-dairy chocolate chips‎ (one package) or chunks broken from bars

    Serving Size

    3 dozen cookies or a small pan

    Prep Time

    about 1/2 hour prep and then the cooking time

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      Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

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