Kimchi Macro Bowl

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    Cook rice or quinoa. Leave in pot with lid covered.
    Wash snow peas and remove edges.
    Wash broccoli crown and cut into individual florets; or wash bok choy and break into individual leaves
    Remove butternut squash or kabocha pumpkin skin, and cut into blocks.
    Place squash or pumpkin in a steamer and cook until nearly tender.
    Add in the broccoli florets or bok choy, and steam for 5 minutes.
    Add in snow peas. Cover, and after 1 minute shut off heat. Leave cover on pot, and let sit.
    In a large individual serving bowl, scoop in 1 cup of rice.
    Then arrange the steamed veggies on top of rice.
    Generously sprinkle sesame seeds or hemp seeds over everything.
    Top with kimchi. Repeat with second bowl.


    2 cup cooked grain like brown rice or quinoa
    1 large handful snow peas
    1 crown broccoli or large crown bok choy
    1/2 small butternut squash or kabocha pumpkin
    Korean kimichi, store-bought mild or spicy
    Sesame seed or hemp seed

    Serving Size

    2 hearty bowls

    Prep Time

    45 mins

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      Kimchi Macro Bowl

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