Raw Veggies Hand Rolls

    1 rating(s)
    Submitted by
    Avatar of Viva la Vegan!


    Wash and prepare the veggies.
    Using the zucchini slices as your wrap, add carrot slices to top.
    Place red bell pepper, spinach leaves and avocado on one end. Wrap tightly until complete.
    Squeeze a little bit of lemon juice on top.
    Serve immediately or keep cool in the refrigerator.


    1 zucchini (courgette), sliced with vegetable peeler
    1 carrot, sliced with vegetable peeler
    1 red bell pepper, sliced

    Serving Size

    15-20 rolls

    Prep Time

    30 mins

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      Points +3635

      Posted on 29 Mar 2012

      That looks amazing. Would taste really good with a variety of sauce (tangy, sweet, savory, etc.).

      Raw Veggies Hand Rolls

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