6 Filtered Reviews of My Green Pastry
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Why not indicating you’re on a holiday? Not even on Google. Argg
Why not indicating you’re on a holiday? Not even on Google. Argg
HI !!!!
2 stars? But u dont try my Pastry? 🤨🧐
Thats lie, I indicated everything especially all the social networks that, And in big letters on my shop. You just have to read😄 Before writing a negative and false comment.
Your comment is inútil ☺️
I’m on holiday for the first time in a year! Thanks! And enjoy your ‘s holiday too!
Closed until Oct 19 :(
We were so excited to try, but we will have to wait until the next time we are in Porto.
Cons: Check to make sure they are open.
Hello ! We reported it on all our social networks and site, Every day. And these are our only annual holidays, as every year!
We hope see u soon. ☺️
Not good coffee
This might have been my fault for asking for an iced coffee, but it was not a good coffee. Very watery and I wasn’t a fan of the flowers on top that overly flavoured the drink. It might be that she makes her own plant milks.
The pastries looked amazing and I wish we’d got some to take away.
But we want to develop a few small things. We are a fine, organic and quality pastry. Our coffee is also organic.
The flowers on our drinks give NO taste. 🤔 It's only decorative.
Yes, we do everything at home, which everyone appreciates. ☺️ (Cream, milks, butter………)
Ps: The pastry is AMAZING, Too bad you only ordered 2 coffees in a pastry shop.
Travelled across Porto to visit this bakery and although the website stated it would be open it was closed.
Very disappointed.
Pros: Menu looked good
Cons: Closed
Hello Sandy,
Were you at the right door and the right address?
We have far too much respect for our customers (and unfortunately more than them for us, to forget to mention a possible closure.) We are indeed open to our usual hours. :)
Moreover, if you came in front of our pastry shop, you must have seen our schedules written on the door, as well as on Google (and any other networks) correct.
So we don't understand your wrong comment.
We wish you a nice holiday.
Grumpy staff
The cappuccino was very good, the mango dessert was good but not wonderful.
The place is cute.
The staff was so unfriendly!
There were two woman and neither of them seemed to care whether we were there or not.
I stood by the counter for a while waiting to order while they looked at their phones. And each interaction with them made us feel like they were bothered to serve us or speak with us.
It was a very weird and unpleasant experience.
Updated from previous review on 2024-07-12
Nous sommes navré que votre expérience na pas été a la hauteur de vos espérances.
Nous aimerions clarifier certaines choses. Une d’elle ne parle qu’une langue, le français. Une mineure en stage découverte sur la pâtisserie. (Qui clairement se dégoûte rapidement en vu de ce genre de commentaire) Limitée pour converser. L’autre portait un masque, et se tenait a distance par respect pour les clients. Conclusion donc hâtive.
De plus, elles n’étaient pas sur le téléphone à scroll mais finissaient de répondre aux derniers emails et agendas pendant que vous regardiez longement la vitrine.
De plus, prendre une photo a l’insu des personnes, est interdit et petit..
Si quelques choses n’allait pas, ou bien ayez pas le temps, il fallait nous en faire part en face.
Nous vous souhaitons de bonnes vacances et beaucoup d’amour. ☀️✨
Points +102
Carísimo - Edit
Probei catro cousas e paguei 17 €... Estaba ben, mais moito menos rico que noutras pastelerías da cidade. Non volvería. Ademais, en plena pandemia, as persoas que atendían estaban dentro do local sen máscara. Mesmo cunha tose moi fea...
Read morePros: Presentación coidada
Cons: Prezo, Hixiene
Obrigado pelo o vosso comentário!
Read morePois, a qualidade tem preço, vocês comeram bolos que levam 2-3 dias para ser feito! De uma margarina, a as cremes ect… com produtos caseiros e biológicos, os outros como vocês dizem compram já feito. O tamanho dos bolos é individual (6diametre) e é pequeno? 🤨
Sobre os máscaras, não concordo, as pessoas que sao a minha família, tinham todos. Com distância social dos clientes. O atendimento foi feito, para 2 pessoas que seja a minha mãe e eu, com máscara 🤨. Os outros são clientes como vocês a consumir 😉 . Sobre a tose da minha mãe, a falar com vocês ela Sufocou e foi LOGO em abaixo, para não estar em contato com vocês. Ela deviam guardar e sufocar ainda mais em frente de vocês? (Mãe com problème de pulmao) Pensam um pouco. Antes de escrever tanta mentira.
Um mínimo de respeito para o meu trabalho, e quando contém as situações.