Garbanzo Stew

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    Part caramelize the onion in some oil and a sprinkling of brown sugar.
    Add all drained chickpeas and the whole bottle of chilli oil.
    Allow to cook on low to medium heat for about one hour.
    Don't stir too often, allow chickpeas to soak up the oil and turn soft and onions to further caramelize.
    Add raisins and cook for another 15 minutes or until chickpeas start to brown.
    Add all spinach, chopped coriander and mint and cook until wilted and mixed through.
    Add juice of lemon just before serving.
    Enjoy with couscous or flat bread.


    4 tins chickpeas (the large ones - Napoliana are a good brand)
    1 bottle chilli oil
    2 large white onions
    brown sugar
    1 pack spinach
    1 bunch fresh coriander
    1 bunch fresh mint
    2 handful raisins
    Juice of one lemon

    Serving Size


    Prep Time

    120 min

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