Jimmy's Pasta

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    This dish is a piece of improvisation by Liverpool chef Jimmy Foulkes. It is thus named in his honour.
    1. soak peas/lentils overnight.
    2. prepare all vegetables and cook to crunch stage.
    3. peel and dice potatoes and leave in cold water.
    4. cook off pasta, refresh and set aside.
    After cooking veg remove but keep the stock. Add the lentils and simmer gently until cooked. Add the diced potatoes in with the lentils and cook for a further 5 mins. Turn off the heat and cover with lid. The starch from the potatoes will thicken the stew.
    Add remaining vegetables and the pasta , season to taste and add vegetable stock cube if required. You may have to add more stock for consistency. You may also add chili for extra spice.


    1/2 k split peas / lentils / chick peas
    2 jacket potatoes - peeled and diced to 1/4 inch
    1 stick celery fine dice
    1 pepper fine dice
    1 carrot fine dice
    1 onion fine dice
    1 pkt young corn fine dice
    2 cloves garlic
    Any other vegetable of your own choice
    100 g of dried pasta
    vegetable stock cubes to taste
    salt and cracked black pepper to taste

    Serving Size

    four people

    Prep Time

    1 day

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