Tofu Stuffed Parantha

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    Mix all the ingredients together as stuffing (leave out the chapati flour).
    Make dough by kneading chapati flour and water, leave to rest for at least an hour.
    After the dough has rested, form into golf ball sized balls.
    Flatten the balls making round chapati, using a rolling pin.
    Take a spoonful of the mixture (optionally add vegan cheese) and top with another chapati to close the mixture in.
    Charcoal/cook the stuffed chapati on a non-stick pan.
    Optional to shallow fry in 1 teaspoon of oil for extra crispness.


    1/2 block tofu, grated
    1 hand full fresh chiili
    1/2 red onion
    1 bunch coriander
    pinch red chilli flakes
    salt to taste
    pinch mango powder
    1/2 teaspoon cumin
    chapati flour for parantha or pre-made chapati or tortilla
    optional vegan cheese

    Serving Size


    Prep Time

    30 min + rest time

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