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79 Photos
Soy textured bolognaise tacos💚
Lasaña de calabaza y calabacin
Burrito: red beans, corn, vegetables, whole rise, vegan cheese, grille…
Nachos! Sweet potatoes cheddar, textured soy bolognaise, red beans ca…
Club sandwich (mortadella, cheese, mushrooms, arugula)
Patatas (baked, unique sauce)
"No pollo" burger - tofu, dried tomatoes, cheese, and other good stuff
Menu me
Neon Vegan Tacos: Cashew veganaise, crispy seitán, Pico de gallo, caba…
Lentils burger, turmeric humous, red cabagge, rocket, veganaise.
Home made lentils burgers, not processed.
Lentils burger 🦜
Sweet potatoes cheddar
Peanut romesco potatoes
Burger, patatas y terraza
Tacos: Crispa Seitán, Cashew veganaise, Pico de gallo, cabbage pickled
No pollo or crisp tofu, greenpea and espirulina mole, veganchiz cabbag…
Ginger limonade, burger and romesco potatoes
"No-chiken" burge, quesadillas and tacos
Tacos amb piclke de nap i col, pico de gallo i bolonyesa vegana.
Burguer de no pollo amb mole de pèsols, alga wakame, col i formatge ve…
Burguer de seità rostit, hummus amb curcuma, tomaquet sec, rúcula i fo…
Burger veg 🌱
Quesadillas and mojitos
Heura and seitan tacos
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